The Metempyrion Foundation
About Metempyrion

Metempyrion Foundation Charter

The METEMPYRION FOUNDATION is a non-profit tax exempt scientific and spiritual research corporation. To set standards of excellence in these fields of study is the projected aim of the foundation. These are the aims and principles of the METEMPYRION FOUNDATION:

  1. To conduct research into the power of the mind as it pertains to remission or healing of chronic or life threatening conditions. This includes remote viewing over distance using prayer.
  2. To create positive change using the mind through guided meditation and visualization to effect harmony and balance in individuals and situations.
  3. To support and provide a variety of preventive care techniques to compliment allopathic medicinal treatments and procedures.
  4. To offer training and guidance for interested people of all ages and ethnic backgrounds, in these alternative fields of practice.
  5. To educate about and support the research of alternative earth friendly energy resources.

Metempyrion Purpose

  1. To set up a spiritual educational institution. People with intuitive and telepathic potential will be given an opportunity to enhance their skills for the higher good of the human population at large. This school will offer Extended Sensory Perception Studies open to all ethnic and religious expressions. Faculty to consist of a resident staff and visiting teachers from around the world, specializing in the fields of extended mental abilities and focusing on the following categories:
    • Physical and emotional healing through energy work and prayers.
    • Modification of environmental factors by contact with naturally existing subtle forces.
    • Research into altered states of awareness conducive to creative life affirming activities.
    • Research into adaptability of alternative technology for the advancement of culture and science.
    • The practice of sound spiritual tenets which sustain the diversity of ecosystems, life forms, and cultures.
    • The integration of planetary awareness toward Oneness with Creator and Cosmos.

  2. Study through empirical methods; global belief systems originating in ancient times which have sustained spiritual, mental, and physical well being of human populations.
    • To reestablish a continuum through altered states of consciousness from the past into the future by upholding universal natural laws.
    • To document observations in the effects on individuals and evolution through the gathered knowledge of and use of subtle energies for healing.
    • To investigate creation myths handed down orally and through scripture for generations, and their application through translation and interpretation, to modern social structures.
    • The identification and reclamation of Sacred Sites.

Metempyrion History

The METEMPYRION FOUNDATION has undertaken many philanthropic projects in the community at large for over thirty years. Educational articles contributed to other non-profit organizations are included as well:

Currently applying for funding to accomplish these and future goals.

Bequests and Gifts

The METEMPYRION FOUNDATION is a spiritual educational foundation with non-profit status. Grants, gifts, and bequests are welcomed. A work-trade program for students is also in effect. Throughout the years donations of time, skills, and resources have made projects possible. The Foundation is deeply grateful for past and current expressions of trust and the generosity of its supporters. For further information please contact the METEMPYRION FOUNDATION.